Community Development promotes citizens participating in the development of where they live. It is the combined effort to focus on public services and facilities that improve the quality of life for the residents. Such activities include but are not limited to park upgrades, sidewalk improvements, street improvements, senior centers, trails, access to food and shelter, safety services and much more.
This area covers not only the Subdivision Regulations for Seneca County, but also the Conveyance Standards, Lot Split Regulations, Flood Plain Regulations, and other items necessary for the appropriate development and land use of Seneca County, Ohio. This section will assist surveyors and housing developers in finding guidelines, standards, and regulations to assist with requests for projects or development in Seneca County, Ohio.
This plan outlines the future goals and objectives of Seneca County, using current demographic statistics.
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This plan outlines forms of non-motorist transportation involving physical activity including; walking, cycling, rollerblading and more.
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This plan describes possible disasters in Seneca County, and opens up the door for funding should those things happen.
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Do you see a need or an area for improvement in the county? Share your ideas with us on how to make Seneca County better and See Seneca Grow!
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is intended to support individuals and organizations with specific and defined project plans. If you're looking for support for your idea or plan, please review the CDBG grant information.
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Seneca Regional Planning Commission
RTA Building
109 S Washington St. Suite 2206
Tiffin, Ohio, 44883
Phone: (419)447-0692