November 7th Public Meeting In Scipio Township

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - 5:30pm

November 7th, 2018 Public Meeting Format

This is a Public Meeting as opposed to a Town Hall Meeting. Seneca Regional Planning Commission is not a moderator and there will not be any debate during the public comment section of the meeting. The role of Seneca Regional Planning Commission is to coordinate the event with the commissioners, township trustees, and the general public. SRPC is also helping with the unbiased registration of those who wish to make a public comment. The general public may register at 

You may only register once per computer. When you register for a public comment you provide your name, email address (if you have one), and if you live in a township in the footprint (indicate which township) or if you live in another township or if you live outside of Seneca County. The system will time & date stamp your registration.

The meeting will start promptly at 5:30 PM. SRPC will use the following format for the hour of public comment:

  1. Those who registered to comment will be given the first opportunity to comment.
    1. They will be called on in the order in which they registered.
    2. Those who live in the footprint of the Seneca Wind Project (IE: Venice, Eden, Reed, Bloom or Scipio Township) will be given priority to speak first.   
    3. Those who registered and are not in the footprint will then be given the option to comment.
    4. Those who did not register and live in the footprint of the Seneca Wind Project will then be given the option to comment.
    5. If time permits we will then give those who did not register and do not live in the footprint the opportunity to comment.
    6. This is all time permitting (1 hour total)
  2. Limit comment time to 3 minutes.
    1.  A 30-second notification will be given.
    2. End your comment when you are advised that your 3 minutes are up
  3. No yielding of time allowed.
    1. Gifting your allocated public comment time to another individual is prohibited.

We would like to share The Ohio Open Meetings Act’s information regarding public comment and meetings. The Ohio Open Meetings Act gives "any person" the right to attend the meetings of public bodies, with exceptions for closed sessions. Ohio law does not limit access to meetings to a specific category of people or a profession, such as "the traditional press." Anyone may attend. The right to attend does not include a right to participate or comment. Moreover, if you act in a disruptive fashion, a public body may have you removed from a meeting. Sometimes, a public body will voluntarily provide time for public comment.

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Seneca Regional Planning Commission
RTA Building
109 S Washington St. Suite 2206
Tiffin, Ohio, 44883

Phone: (419)447-0692


Copyright © 2024 Seneca Regional Planning Commission, All rights reserved.